About us
Schweninger Textil GmbH is the world’s leading producer of high quality yarns and bobbins for the
Schiffli embroidery. The range also includes fabrics which are used in embroidery as well as in ready-made clothing and other industries. Our yarns and bobbins are produced since 2006 in the production plant belonging to the group of companies “Setafil Thailand Ltd”, which belongs to the group of companies.
In addition to state-of-the-art production facilities, exceptional service and a coordinated product and stock range, however, our motivated employees and our valued customers have always been the most important cornerstones of our success.
I would therefore like to take this opportunity to say a heartfelt “THANK YOU” to all our customers and employees for their decades of cooperation.
Dietmar Schweninger
Motivated employees are the most important cornerstones of success.

Dietmar Schweninger

Patrik Riedmann
COO, Sales Yarn, Logistics

Santina Hofer
Sales yarn

Eva-Maria Mathis
Purchasing, accounting

Nina Abdel Dayem
Sales fabrics
Our history
Foundation by Dietmar Schweninger
Move to larger company premises
Establishment of a joint venture
the Setafil (Thailand) Ltd.
Start-up of yarn dyeing plant in Thailand
Start of own spooling in Thailand
Development of own pattern winding machine
Construction of the world's largest embroidery thread warehouse in Lustenau
Range expansion
Stock color card in quality ,,Setafil 120x2" with 375 colors and stock assortment in quality
,,Setafil Cord 180x2x3" with 114 colors
Branch with warehouse in Gallarate, Italy
Range expansion
Bobinen mit 114 Farben
Fancy-Garne mit 104 Metallic-, Kristall- und Regenbogenfarben
Bobbinery development
Takeover of the machinery of the Swiss bobbin factory Weishaupt & development of computer-controlled drives for the bobbin machines. Expansion of the bobbin plant to 200 machines.
Branch office in China
,,Setafil (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd."
Major fire
200.000 kg of yarns and 300.000 mtr. of fabrics are destroyed
Start of sales with 68 stock colors